Sutra Solves Voltages: An Electric Guide

Aug 28, 2024
Sutra Solves Voltages: An Electric Guide

“Voltage” a word tossed around so frequently with vaporizers that you often wonder, what the heck does it actually even mean? And more importantly, how does it actually affect my vaporizing experience?


For all of these answers and more, keep reading in this extra electric posting from your friends at Sutra Vape to get a handle on what exactly voltage means, how it can change your clouds, and which vaporizers we offer that can put your new found knowledge to good use.

What Is Voltage?

Voltage is a measurement of the difference in electrical pressure between two points. In human terms this essentially is a way to measure how much electrical power is available within a circuit and in turn how much your oils are going to be heated.

Your cartridge vaporizer works by releasing a flow of electricity that is used to heat your coil and provide you with the vapor clouds you all know and love. Voltage is represented by a “V” and the higher the number the more electricity is going to flow through.

For example let’s take a look at the Silo Auto Draw Cartridge Vaporizer and its two voltage settings of 3.0V and 3.8V. Here the lesser number, 3.0V is going to have less electricity and therefore less heat than the 3.8V setting.

Woman holding Sutra SILO in front of pastel background

Why Do Vaporizers Have Different Voltages?

Interestingly enough, the ability to change your voltage is something that has not always existed widely within the vaporizing industry. Instead batteries used to be binary in their application, they worked or they didn’t.

Luckily for us things have evolved quite a bit since and now voltages are able to be customized in a variety of different ways in order to allow for more dialed in experiences.

As vaporizers have evolved, some have gotten to the point where instead of providing a voltage number, they instead give you exact temperatures. Both the DBR Pro and the Mini Vaporizer come with these capabilities as the natural evolution of temperature control.

What Is Variable Voltage?

The term “variable voltage” is used to describe those types of vaporizer that have a range of voltages that you can incrementally increase.

These give you the option to scroll through different voltages to find one, allowing for both increased control but also more opportunity for mismanagement resulting in your getting sub par clouds instead of the top tier ones you deserve.

Man holding Sutra Squeeze

What Are Pre Set Voltages?

Pre-Set voltages are exactly what you think they would be, the voltage operating modes that have been tailor made to work not just with your vaporizer's special mAh rating but also with how the device transfers heat from its battery to the cartridge.

Oftentimes you will see the levels being color coded like with our Sutra Squeeze Cartridge Vaporizer where each of the four voltage settings, 2.8 - 3.2 - 3.7 - 4.2, have a corresponding color that will flash from the built in OLED, green - blue - yellow - red.

Pre-set voltages allow you to easily and precisely switch between different heat levels in order to give you several fool proof options to enjoy your cartridges with.

How Does Voltage Affect My Vaping?

Depending on your vaporizer’s current voltage settings, your vapor can vary in consistency, flavor, and ultimately potency.

This provides multiple points of variance in your cloud blowing adventures, which means it’s important to have a general idea of how your vapor is going to be affected as you scroll through your different voltage options.

As a general note it's important to keep in mind each voltage will affect your vaporizer differently depending on how it has been constructed, so always make sure to test all of your available settings to see which one gives you the clouds that you're seeking.

Some vaporizers “low” voltage setting may be another's medium level, that’s why it is always important to see how your vaporizer works for you before going full steam ahead.

Variable Voltage vaporizers on blue background

Low Voltage

The lower voltage settings on your vaporizer are going to produce clouds that are cooler, less intense, and use up a smaller amount of your oil with each hit.

This can be an awesome setting to stick to if you are trying to ration how much of your cartridge you are going through each week, as the voltage is lower less electricity is heating your cartridge and therefore less material will be vaporized.

Another benefit to lower voltages is that the clouds will be less irritating to your throat, this can help out people who are sensitive to vaping but still need it for medical dosing.

Medium Voltage

A medium voltage setting is going to be great for your middle of the road clouds, it represents the most balanced option available on your vaporizers and gives you a sort of best of both worlds vibe should you be inclined to try it!

These are going to use more oil than the low voltages but at the same time give you a more potent hit. It's a nice trade off if you are in a rush and don’t have time to sip on your cartridge like you can with extra time.

High Voltage

With the high voltage settings, you are going to be releasing the maximum amount of electricity into your cartridge and thus are going to get a hit that is more powerful, uses more oil, has stronger thicker density, and is going to be as flavorful as can be.

These settings are for when you want to experience the full spectrum of effects from your concentrate materials and are ready for a more intense session than normal.

If you are in a pinch for time ripping a high voltage hit can get you ready to head into the movie theater, enjoy a dip in the lake, or even heading out for the night.

Additionally the higher voltage settings are great if you want to “show off” your new cartridge as it will give your friends the most whole experience possible with potency, flavor, and cloud density all off the charts.

As a note, these super powered high voltages will consume your battery at a much faster rate than the lower settings. It’s a worthy trade off though when you are in the mood for those more tasty hits that really maxes out your concentrate flavor profile.

A Shocking Outro

So now every time you see a “V” in your vaporizer description, you know exactly what it means and how it is going to impact your cloud experience!

Use this to help get yourself the vaporizing that meets your needs the best, no matter if that's a high temp scorcher or a more relaxed low voltage chiller.

For more insider tips, product releases, and news releases make sure to check out the rest of our postings right here at the Sutra Vaporizer Blog!